100% authentic Goyard Saint Louis PM tote in sky blue is in very good condition with few signs of wear. This beautiful pre-owned authentic Goyard has no interior stains and only shows some wear around upper leather trim. The “made in France” embossing around the trim is only slightly visible (please see photos). There are no visible rubbing, cracks or tears in corners. This bag is in great condition for the price.
This pre-owned Goyard Saint Louis PM tote measures 10" tall by 18" wide (at top of bag), by 5" deep. Straps measure 7-1/2". Pouch is included and is also in pristine condition.
The number #1 counterfeit luxury handbag is the Goyard Saint Louis. Approximately 95% of Goyard bags being sold on the Internet are fake. Please do not get scammed. Know what you are buying is authentic. If the price is too good, it’s most likely fake. There are other ways to spot a fake Goyard bag. Do your research. These bags are expensive and an investment. Buy smart.
This of course, like all of our items is an authentic bag and is financially backed via Entrupy.
Condition Rating: Overall A-
Material: Canvas exterior, cloth interior, leather trim
Exterior: Grade A/B (trim)
Interior: Grade A
Hardware: Grade A
Serial Number/Date Code: Present
Inclusions: Attached pouch
Country of Manufacture: France
Authenticity: 100% Guaranteed or full refund
Shipping: Ships within 3 business days. No PO Boxes. Signature required.
All of our luxury and designer label previously loved items are 100% guaranteed authentic. Relics to Rhinestones is not affiliated, endorsed by or any way connected with the brands represented. Brand names and logos are all registered trademarks of their respective brands.